2024 Charity
We were delighted to work with the Gina Heraty Haiti Fund as our charity partner again in 2024.
Gena Heraty, from Westport, is a member of the Catholic lay missionary association, Viatores Christi. She went to Haiti in 1993 and has remained there ever since as a volunteer with NPH (Our Little Brothers and Sisters) – an orphanage in the hillside village of Kenscoff, 10 km from Port-au-Prince.
Throughout her time in Haiti, she has worked to develop the Special Needs Programme, providing new opportunities for about 30 children and young people. She has also developed an outreach programme to provide medical, rehabilitation and educational support for over 100 families in the community where children have severe physical and/or intellectual disabilities.
Gena’s work is strongly supported by the people of Westport and Mayo generally via fundraisers and donations and by Misean Cara, an Irish Development Funding Agency. She visits her family each year and provides an update to supporters and through local media on progress and how donated funds are spent.